Thursday, December 8, 2011

End of Semester!

Well, another semester has come and gone! I only have one more final and I will be finished until January! Now it's on to my last semester...EVER!!!!!! Josh and I talked a few weeks ago and decided that I will not go to work immediately following graduation. We are planning on having another baby (sometime) and I would really like to be able to stay home with the baby. For those of you that know me well, you know that I'm very excited about this! 

Everything at church is going great! We are in the process of doing dirt work for our new children's ministry building and I know that God is going to bless in this new endeavor. Once it is all complete I will share some pictures with everyone. Youth ministry is also going great! We went to a Casting Crowns/The Afters/Sanctus Real concert last weekend and it was AWESOME! I don't know about you, but I love Casting Crowns. I think it's because we can relate to them because they are all youth workers.

As far as Christmas goes...I am really missing Boomer (as always), but God has blessed us in so many ways that I could not possibly feel sorry for myself! Every year presents new and different challenges, but for this year we are doing good. I hope that all of you are enjoying a wonderful Christmas season together. Remember to enjoy the time that you have with your loved ones because you never know how much time you have with each of them.

Until next time...

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