Friday, September 26, 2008

What is she doing now?

Ashby is growing so much everyday! Some of her favorite things to do right now are: drool, crawl, drool, stick out her tongue, drool, talk to her daddy, and did I say drool!!

She started sitting up a week before she was 6 months old and on the day of her 6 month birthday she started crawling!! It is really hard to believe she is doing all of this stuff, because for those of you who knew Boomer at this age, he just wasn't doing much. Oh, and did I mention she weighs 20 lbs. and is 28 inches long? We're hoping for a softball player!!

She started eating green beans this week and she seems to like them a lot. When we got finished I don't know who had more on them, me or her. She is a really messy eater. Hopefully, as she gets older, she will grow out of that.

Her hair is almost long enough for a pony tail. You can barely see this one, but it is sticking up right in the front. Does she look like her Mamoo or what!!!

She loves her daddy so much. When I try to get her to talk to me she won't hardly make a sound. He can hold her up in front of him and say, "tell me all your secrets," and she will sit and talk to him forever. I am almost sure she said, "I love you," to him a few nights ago.

I was always worried that, when Ashby got older and could understand everything that happened the day that we brought her home from the hospital, she would think it was her fault in some way. But, as we are progressing through the grieving process I am realizing more and more each day that she was a true blessing from God because he already knew what was going to happen that day. It's almost like he was telling us, "I'm sorry that I have to take Boomer, so her is a little blessing to get you through the hardest time of your life." I don't know if that is actually how it works, but it helps me. If it wasn't for Ashby I know there would be days where I would just curl back up and go to sleep and stay in bed all day. She is what has pulled me through this whether I wanted her to or not. I know that God knew just what I needed and he gave it to me because he is so gracious!
I hope this finds you having a wonderful day...until next time...


Anonymous said...

happy just like Boomer...I guess since God wanted Boomer with Him how wonderful that your little blessing is a spittin' image of your sweet boy. Wish I could squeeze her!

Anonymous said...

I totally understand how Ashby can get you through a hard time. I know that my divorce doesn't even compare to losing your precious Boomer....but after 30 years together, I feel like a part of me is missing. I miss him so much but our little Taylor has pulled Lana and I through the last year. He makes me laugh and smile so much more than I ever have. He is a true blessing!! So hang on to your precious Ashby and know that your sweet, precious Boomer did not choose to leave your wonderful family. It's hard to understand how God allows things like this to happen but at the same time, we grow so much through these tough trials. Know that I am still praying for you guys and I am here anytime you need me!!! Love and hugs to all!!!!

Jessica said...

Gunner and I are reading your blog and he thought Ashby was Boomer. Check your calendar for Oct. 17th weekend. It is Fall Break and we want to come visit. Love you all,
The Smith Gang