Sunday, September 21, 2008

Revolve Tour!!!


This weekend I took a group of girls (plus 3 women) to the Revolve Tour in Dallas. For any of you that don't know what that is a weekend conference just for girls that focuses on stuff just for girls.

Mrs. Susan and Mrs. Heather were two of the women that got to go with us.
I get really excited about taking girls to conferences like this one. They get to take time to hang out with just girls and get told frequently how awesome they are. I'm pretty sure some of the girls that we took with us are not told that frequently enough!!

Mrs. Kristy was our brave bus driver...she was awesome. None of the trips that I plan would be possible without people like Kristy. She is an awesome youth leader and I am very glad that she lets us use her so much.

Sarah, Katie and Emily are some of our high school students. They are so awesome. Katie and Sarah missed their homecoming and Emily missed getting to be in the band just so they could come to revolve. I am so glad that they made the sacrifice because I really think God showed them some great stuff this weekend.

Not only did we take a great group of girls from our church but we got to meet two of my favorite girls in the whole world from Oklahoma. Kirsten and Polly drove from Lawton so they could be with us at the conference. I miss them so much. I wish they could just come and stay with us for a while. Getting to see them was like icing on the cake!

This weekend was a great experience for the girls, but it was also a great experience for me. When Jenna Lucado talked about letting God have all access to your heart she was speaking directly to me. I have been blocking God from having the access that he desires from me because I have been angry with him. Yes... I said it... I have been angry with him. When I first realized I was angry with my Creator I thought there was something wrong with me... that I shouldn't feel that way. But then I realized something...if I can be angry with God, that shows that I truly believe he is real. How many relationships do you have where you never get upset or angry with that person? NONE!!
So, is it okay to be angry with God? That is up to you to decide, but for me the answer is yes. This helps me to understand that my relationship with him is real and can withstand anything.
Boomer dying was the worst thing that has ever happened to me, but God has been here through it all. It has made my relationship him more real than it has ever been before and I am thankful for that.
Remember to thank God for the things that he does that you like, and thank him for the things that he does that you don't like, because he knows what your big picture looks like and all you are getting is a glimpse at the first strokes.
Thanks God for an AWESOME weekend :)


Susan said...

hey sis...i love you and anticipate reading about what's going on in your life. love you much...sus

Brin said...


YOU were so awesome to take these girls. :D They told me Wednesday that they had the time of their lives. Thanks for being such a strong, fun, godly influence!

I had tears in my eyes by the end of this! And I think you're so, so right... God craves a relationship with you, even if that sometimes means blame, anger, disappointment and questions. The cool thing about God is that He is so big. He's bigger than your grief. He's bigger than your anger. He's greater than your questions. And while you're busy yourself hiding your grief, anger or blame... or throwing it all at Him... He's willing to and able to stand by and take it because He loves you SO MUCH.

I pray for you every day, and trust that somehow - someday - all (including His reason(s) for taking Boomer) will be revealed.

Until then, you have all of our prayers and love.

ki! said...

i love you so much.

everyday i think about boomer, and every now and then, i ask God to tell boomer how much i really love him and miss him. jessica told me the other night that she does the same thing. everytime i do that, i hear God saying "you love him alot, but I love him so much more." and He does!

i went through a period where i was really angry that this could happen, especially to you and josh, but again, God just kept telling me "you don't see it all like i do. trust Me."

i'm so glad you trust Him. you are such an encouragment to me, even when you're not around.

gosh, i love you!