Monday, November 16, 2009

What a mighty God we serve!

There have been times in my life where I knew that God was real and that he did awesome things but I didn't really understand it like I do right now. Nine months ago, right before Boomer's birthday I spoke at a women's meeting at a church in our area. The whole experience was awesome and I really felt like I was able to share Boomer's story in a way that would help someone that might need it. Little did I know, a woman was there that had been dealing with some of the "God" issues that I had dealt with during my grief journey. Her husband passed away a few years ago and she was still feeling angry with God. I was told today that because I shared Boomer's story, this woman realized that she could get on with her life and do something with what God had given her. As my friend told me this story and as I told Josh this story and as I told my mom the story....all I could do was cry! GOD IS REAL AND HE DOES AWESOME THINGS!! My prayer was that God would use me (and Josh) in anyway that he wanted to help others who had been through the same things that we have been through. I am so thankful that he can turn something completely negative into something so totally positive! As long as someone asks I will travel wherever it takes to share Boomer's story!

Now, here we are in November and I have been asked to come and speak at a women's meeting in a town about an hour away in January. Please pray that there will be some woman there that will benefit from Boomer's story. God does not ask us to move mountains, he only asks us to BE WILLING to pick up one small stone at a time.

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