Friday, December 4, 2009

Maybe Not How You Wanted Your Life To Turn Out...

Please read this carefully...

What do you think God's view of your life's puzzle looks like? Do you think it has any resemblance to what you see when you think of your puzzle? We all know that there are pieces of our puzzle that don't match up to what we think the whole thing looks like. We can't see it all so to us some of the pieces are a very big disappointment! Some people feel like just because God hasn't made our puzzle look the way we want it to look means that our whole life is a mess. I believe that even when things don't turn out exactly like you want them to, God is still in control! Instead of looking at only one piece I think we should look at all the surrounding pieces. The only way we can have blessings in our lives is if we let them be blessings. Take a look around you and instead of counting everything as loss, reach out for the blessings! As all of you know there have been pieces of my puzzle that I would love to rip up and throw in the garbage, but I know that the puzzle is a beautiful creation. So, I take the messed up pieces, hand them to God and allow him to continue to piece together the puzzle of my life. He tells me that I am beautifully and wonderfully made and that he holds every bit of me in his hands. So why be bitter about the things I don't like. Just take it all in and give it to him and he can make a masterpiece out of a bunch of scribbles!
I hope you can look for the blessings in your life and concentrate on that instead of wallowing in thoughts of your life not turning out the way you had planned!

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