Friday, September 25, 2009

Fall is Here!!

It's that time of year again! I walked outside this morning and you can just sense that things are beginning to change. No more sultry summer days, no more dips in the swimming pool, no more sunburns, and no more sweat!
I don't know what it is about fall but it is definitely one of my favorite seasons. The smell outside, the beautiful color of the trees, the aroma of burning brush piles, and getting to snuggle up with a big cup of hot chocolate on the back porch! Something about walking outside and smelling all that fall has to offer gets me excited.
I hope that all of you have a wonderful fall season this year!


Anonymous said...

my thoughts exactly! love you - tracie

mamoo said...

C. I just read your last 2 epistles..they make me feel so blessed..thank you! Mamoo