Monday, September 15, 2008

We still have "evacuees" is Monday after the storm on Saturday and there are still some people in our area that have no power. My mom and my Granny are staying with us for the second night because they live in a place were it is not that important to have electricity. Since they live in the country they will be some of the last to have their power lines worked on.
I am very thankful that we still have power so that they could come and stay with us. We still haven't played any games but hopefully all of that fun will come tomorrow.
As for me today...I have had a wonderful day. Thoughts of Boomer fill my mind ever minute of every day, but now most of my thoughts are of great memories that we shared with him instead of the memory of "that day."
As for Ashby...she is sitting up pretty good on her own and moving (not crawling) all over the living room floor. She is rubbing everything on her gums so I really think she will be getting a tooth soon. She is also rubbing her ears a lot so I think that is the result of an ear infection. Listen to me...Dr. Croswell. Wouldn't that be nice, then I wouldn't have to go to the doctor tomorrow and pay $20 for him to tell looks like she has an ear infection.
Well, it is getting late and Josh is already in bed so I guess I better go for now. I hope this finds you having a wonderful day.
Until next time...

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