Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

Well...I knew this day was coming. The first day of Kindergarten. When I woke up this morning I sat down in my chair and started checking facebook. It was great seeing everyone's kids going back to school in all their new clothes and backpacks. I just can't get off my mind that today would be Boomer's first day of Kindergarten. My biggest struggle right now is wondering what he would look like right now and how he would sound. What would his personality be like, would he be excited about going to school or would he hate it. The one thing I know for sure is that he is excited about where he is and I know that he loves it! I am praying for all of you who have little ones going off to their first day of Kindergarten and those of you who have bigger ones going back to school. God tells us that he has a plan and a purpose for our lives in Jeremiah...I pray that your children know this and that God does mighty things through them this school year!

1 comment:

Bethany K said...

Love you sweet friend! God's grace is so evident in your life. Thank you!